" Charlotte's Cupcake Corner: Spring has sprung

Monday, 12 April 2010

Spring has sprung

Hi everyone,

Well, we have leaping lambs in the fields next to our garden, it's staying much lighter in the evenings - which brings much confusion & frustration over bedtime for a 4yr old - and we've had at least one sunny day, so it's official spring has sprung.

There's something about baking along with the seasons too, or rather decorating I suppose. These spring & Easter themed cupcakes brightened our days at Cupcake Corner, and luckily the days of lots of very keen shoppers at the Coeliac's Food Fair. Brownies flew off the table and sold out in the first hour! Thank Goodness for my wonderful nephew Matt who helped me to set up and then stayed a while longer and helped serve the first rush of hungry cupcake fans!

This week, I'm busy preparing for Thursday's Childrens' Spring workshop (still a couple of places left) so more cute bunnies, daffodils, spikey grass and very moreish mini eggs. Opening a bag of mini eggs has proved lethal, I kept polishing them off and having to send out for more supplies! As a result, I am now appearing very clearly pregnant! This baby is going to have such a sweet tooth, I must resist all these goodies a bit more!

Well, I hope you are enjoying a few rays of sunshine wherever you are, and that Spring brings you a burst of energy to start afresh

love Charlotte x


  1. Lovely blog, lovely cupcakes! x

  2. Your stall looks fab Charlotte, I'm so glad you had a successful day!

  3. Hi Julie, Hi Liana,

    Thank you both so much, coming from both of you - wonderful cupcakers, that means a lot

    lots of love
    Charlotte x

  4. Oh those yellow flower cupcakes? Adorable. How I wish I was good at the decorating part!

  5. Hi Carol,
    decorating the yellow flower ones is THE easiest thing to do, honestly. You just need
    - non stick rolling pin & board
    - flower cutter & tiny circle cutter
    - yellow & white sugarpaste
    - icing sugar to mix up glace icing
    then all you do;
    - flood cupcakes with glace icing (don't forget to make shallower cakes so you can fill up to case)
    - roll out white sugarpaste and cut out flowers, then roll out white and cut out circles
    - gently lift using palette knife and place on top of cake
    You're Done!
    I think they look very classy and cheerful to boot, especially nice on top of a moist luscious lemon cupcake. Because you use the flowers flat, there's no sculpting or modelling or even careful drying to be done, so easy-peasy!
    Let me know if anyone tries it...
    love Charlotte X
